Welcome to the EMERGREEN or Emerging Technologies for Greener Communities project website. Our project is an interregional project funded under the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020, with a budget of €1.6 million.
Commenced in October 2018, ERNACT is leading six partners from Ireland, Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom and Faroe Islands in this 3-year project to overcome the common territorial challenge of how to deliver quality and sustainable public services in remote areas, defeating factors such as long distances, high service delivery costs due to low demand aggregation, shortages in human and material resources, and lack of access to the latest innovations.
EMERGREEN online platform at emergreen.ernact.eu offers access to the services developed in the project on a transboundary basis. An open market place of tech-led public services in the Northern Periphery and Arctic area.
Lead Partner
Anne Marie McLaughlin
Email: annemarie.mclaughlin{at}ernact.eu
Tel. +353 7491 68212