An artificial intelligence chatbot to assist public service providers on solar energy

Regional Council of Västernorrland will use chatbot technology to provide easy access to information about solar energy

This week our journey through our NPA partner regions continues to Västernorrland (Sweden) where EMERGREEN project partner the Regional Council of Västernorrland will use chatbot technology to help citizens who need information and advice on solar panels, solar energy and subsidized financing possibilities for installing energy-efficient equipment.

Solar panels are becoming more and more popular in Västernorrland, where they complement already sustainable energy sources such as wind and water. This is partly thanks to regional energy advisors who provide individual support and advice for those interested in solar energy. The challenge is, however, the big size and small population density in the region which make it difficult to spread information about benefits of solar energy. With the chatbot technology it will be possible to bridge this gap.

The chatbot will sit on the website of the Regional Energy Agency of Västernorrland. It will be trained to answer questions about solar energy and provide information that is often spread through different sources and not so easy to find. Besides it's informational purpose, the chatbot will also help to contact energy advisors and, thus, encourage to seek individual advice.

Find out more by clicking on the video!